hey hey! I
noe I have not been blogging lately,
bt I have been honestly
verryy busy...Well,as many of u
noe,I am a
verrryyy lazy person and i
wud LOVE to upload sum pics
frm Cheer Jam,
bt I
jz can't bring myself to bother to take the camera,upload to the computer and then to upload it to my blog..So yea..
Urm,well,I think I shall NOT write in detail
abt Cheer Jam
cz I'm
rreeaallyy tired..But here goes the summary...But before that..WARNING! :VERY LONG POST AHEAD!
11th DecemberWoke up at like 7 am,and when I was in the midst of getting ready which was like 7.30,I had this really bad urge to check my phone which was outside charging,and when i checked it..It read '2 missed calls and 4
msgs'. They were ALL
frm U-
Sern and it was all at 2am!!!! And the
msgs read that he needed me and Mag to help out for Cheer Jam and all,so I called him n told him
tt I'll be kinda late
cz he
neede me 2 be there at 7.45..So i packed up my breakfast and hurried to get ready as fast as I could and then
Sa Yi sent me 2 UM then i got there and hurried to help with the T-Shirt sales..then at like 9 something Cheer Camp started..then
blablabla...Then at lunch,since I paid the Camp fees late,I had no lunch,and all the
stff f.y.i Charm advanced team,had 2 give their food away
cz not
enuf..So Mag,
Yi Wen and I went to
KFC at
ss2 to buy food,and at
ss2,Rachel aka
Jermy's 'mother' called and said that there is extra food..so we
jz bought our own food anyways,
cz for sum of us
jz the camp food alone was not
enuf and what not la..But Mag already has her camp food
btw cz she paid quite early,
bt she
jz tagged along,so she basically followed in Jeremy's car
jz to eat her food...
blablabla..Camp resumed then ended...
12th DecemberWoke up early then picked Manda and Nat n got to UM darn early again to help out,then this team
frm Penang so bad luck I tell u...1 of the moms of
tt team's gal came rushing up the stairs to the registration counter saying that 2 of the girls
frm the team got attacked by bees..And she was slightly dramatic..so anyways,
Yee Ming sent them to c a doctor n stuff..Then camp started..blablabla..then when camp ended,we had 2 pack up all the things and shift 2 another hall...
13th DecemberYet again got up early then reached UM early again to help out,then heard the news
abt the
Penang team..haha..urm,since they were
frm Penang and well,they were staying at the hostel in UM and at night,1 of the moms got bitten by sum bug which was like damn huge and it was like read in colour and so she called Li Yen at 4 am
cz Li Yen was the
liason and told her
abt it so she had to go 2 UM,pick the lady up and send her to a doctor,and when d lady gt back to UM,she puked and was feverish and what not..so anyways,it was the last day of camp,
bt all d Charm
ppl had to stay back to help out with the coaches conference and stuff..But after lunch,Mag,
Aniss and me followed Jeremy go buy some stuff that
Bev needed and like we went and bought all sorts of food then bought the things then went back to UM..
soo fun..then after coaches conference ended at like 6.15..then packed up to shift halls again..then went back
14th DecemberOnce again.went to UM pretty early..I tot i was late
cz i reached there at 8
bt we're supposed 2 be there at 7.45..bt i only saw
Yee Ming's car..and so there was only Mag,
Yee Ming,Pei
Kee and me..then slowly
ppl started coming..was SUPER fun! me and mag like had sum kinda forward roll race and being so
nonsensical and notorious and we jz played a fool and was sooo much fun! haha!! Then when coaches conference ended,we took loads of pics..And if u guys r RREEAALLY lucky! I may post the pics up..So pray hard! hahaha! =p
ok,well,it's the end of the post..This Cheer Jam has been wonderful!But it has also been so stressful n tiring..So much stress and being frustrated at times,but it was all worth it cz each and every1 of us got so much laughter out of every moment!And I am soo looking forward to seeing Anne,Sam Gorman,Sara,Katie,Matt,Carl and all of the others frm America,Philippines and every1 frm various countries!That's all for now..
PS:Pls view Mag's blog for the many things i left out abt Cheer Jam kay? the link is www.magdalenelim.blogspot.com or u can jz click my links.She's undr 'Maggie L'